Some small impressions fron the place of the recent happening

What comes to you with lightness and charm as a greeting every day, needs two or three hard working days.

Of course I worked a little for the storage , but slowly my reserves are disappearing and I have only two days of an advance ….

A good opportunity to take a rest and – (using the time) – to telling you something about the drypoint.
It is considered as the most “painted” graphic technique. With the dry needle, which means completely without acid and any etching, the lines are scratched, milled, curved or cut directly into the zinc board, which creates a different deepness of the stripes.

At the right and left hand of the line remains a border of the displaced metall shards – similar of grooving a furrow into the ground.

In the different density of the swarf remains a rest of the reamed printing colour – sometimes more, sometimes less. The line is “bleeding out” or flushing, it is irregular.
This gives the impression of an brushstroke. In the etchings, instead, all stripes have the same size.

Above all, in drypoint, the lines will be consumed by any countersink by hand (the board has to be covered with colour and “cleaned” afterwards until the colour remains in the stripes for each print).

An etching can be printed 100 or more times, a drypoint will be consumed after 20 or 25 copies – depending on the deepness of the lines. It’s getting plain, flat printed.

The small number of the available edition and the significant effort to create the profound lines makes the drypoint to be the most valuable technique among the various print methods.

End of discourse – may be you have learned something interesting and me, I could expand advance.

Tomorrow again in medias res
and this time with the sixth sense …

Your Carin